Current Fund Raising. Prize supplied by Ryke Fuel Mobile Service Station Kingaroy. First prize 200 litres of fuel. second prize 100 litres of fuel. Previous art unions. Prize supplied by Bob Jane T-Marts Kingaroy. Wheels and tyres to the value of $1500. All prizes supplied by Turner's Mitre 10 Kingaroy. First prize, goods to the value of $1250. Second prize, goods to the value of $500. Third prize, goods to the value of $250
Fire wood. Wattlecamp Rural Fire Brigade supplies block wood to local residents at a competitive price.
Speedway. Wattlecamp Rural fire Brigade manned one of the canteens, and supplied men for security at the Kingaroy speedway in the 1999/2000 season.
Raft Regatta. WRFB hosted the first of what will be an annual Raft Regatta at the Bjelke-Petersen Dam in November 2000.